
:uploadFile( fileMetaTable, callback, progress_callback )

Uploads and stores a file. The resulting objectId will be a unique filename that you can load by appending it to the "files/" endpoint of your Coronium instance.


Name Details
fileMetaTable A table with filename and baseDir, and optional destDir keys. (Table, required)
callback The callback function. If not provided the global callback will be used. (Function, optional)
progress_callback The progress callback function. Will periodically update with file transfer progress event. (Function, optional)


The http path to the uploaded file.


The default upload directory on your instance is files. You can add additional directories to upload to by creating new directories in your files directory on the server via SFTP, or SSH. For example, to add an imgs directory that you can upload your images to, make sure you have the following folder structure on your server instance, starting from the main directory: starting dir


You will then need to specify the directory in your upload fileMeta table, using the destDir key:

fileMetaTable =
  filename = "image.png",
  baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory,
  destDir = "imgs"


--File is done uploading.
local function onFileUpload( event )
  if not event.error then
    print( event.result.file )

--File is uploading...
local function onFileProgress( event )
  print( event.bytesTransferred )

-- Upload file using default storage directory
local fileMetaTable =
  filename = "image.png",
  baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory
coronium:uploadFile( fileMetaTable, onFileUpload, onFileProgress )

-- Upload file to a custom created storage directory
local fileMetaTable =
  filename = "image.png",
  baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory,
  destDir = "imgs"
coronium:uploadFile( fileMetaTable, onFileUpload, onFileProgress )


The filename for the uploaded file will be in result.file key in the return event (if successful). You should store or associate this file with a User or other meta.

File Types

You can currently upload the following file types:

  • TEXT
  • PNG
  • JPG
  • MOV
  • M4V
  • MP4
  • ZIP
  • PDF
  • DOC
  • XLS