Getting your API key

You need an API key to communicate between your Corona app and the Coronium instance. In your Coronium Cloud Admin, click the Settings link on the left navigation bar to view your API Key.

Setting the Admin password

You need a username and password to access the Coronium Control Panel. The default username is admin and the password is coroniumserver. It's a good idea to change the defaults. In your Coronium Cloud Admin, click the Settings link on the left navigation bar to change the log in credentials.

Email Settings

The Coronium Server is a send only email server.  You can not receive email on it.

You should tailor the system email settings to your brand. You can adjust the following fields:

Field Details
From Name The display name on the sent email. Use a company or application name.
From Address The reply-to address. Set this to an address that you receive mail, or aim it at a
From Hostname The base url for the reset password and account confirmation screens.
Confirmation Email Toggle the account confirmation email. When enabled, a newly registered user must confirm the account via their email address.

If you don't have a hosted domain address for the Coronium Server you can put the server IP as a hostname substitute.

PushBots Settings

Coronium Cloud uses the free as a gateway for push messaging. You can integrate PushBots directly into the Coronium Administration which allows you to send messages directly to your users as well as use the customized send panel for Corona SDK apps.

Make sure to register an account at and then enter your PushBots app key and secret key in the Coronium Settings area.

Regenerating the API key

If you need to regenerate your API Key, SSH into your Coronium instance and use the following command:

cd /home/coronium
sudo coronium-tools newapikey

API Key Regeneration

You should only regenerate the key when absolutely needed. Once you regenerate the API Key, you will not be able to recover the old key. If you have live apps using the current API Key, they will no longer be able to connect to your Coronium Cloud instance once the key is regenerated.