
coronium.template.render( template_file, data_table )

Renders result as parsed template_file with included data_table. Text is in answer.result variable.

Heads Up!

Template file must reside in /tpl folder on the server with an extension of ”.tpl”. When passing the template_file variable, do not include the extension.


Name Details
template_file The name of the template file to load. (String, required)
data_table A data table of tokens to be merged into the template. (Table, required)


A rendered string based on the contents file and data table.


--== Loads tpl/greeting.tpl as template source
local answer = coronium.template.render('greeting',{user="Chris"})
local final_str = answer.result

See Usage below for more examples.


coronium.template.renderString( template_string, data_table )

Renders result as parsed template_string with included data_table. Text is in answer.result variable.


Name Details
template_string A string with template tokens. (String, required)
data_table The data table with tokens for the template. (Table, required)


The string with tokens replaced.


local answer = coronium.template.renderString("Hi <%= user %>", {user="Chris"})
local final_str = answer.result

Template Tags

Tag Details
<%= key_name %> Prints the “key_name” value with an added line break, escaped.
<%= key_name -%> Prints the “key_name” value without an added return line, escaped.
<%- key_name %> Prints the “key_name” value without escaped chars (good for HTML values).
<% lua code to run %> Runs the Lua code contained in the tag inline.


Template file (tpl/score_email.tpl)

  <div id="main">
    <strong>Hello, <%= username -%></strong>
    <p>Your last high score was <%= lastscore -%>!</p>

Cloud Lua (lua/score_email.lua)

-- Populate the template variables
local vars = {
  username = "Robert",
  lastscore = 4500

-- Parse the template with the variables
local answer = coronium.template.render( 'score_email', vars )
local html_text = answer.result

-- EXAMPLE: Use the result for an email.
--local mail_options = {...
coronium.network.email( plain_text, html_text, mail_options )

-- Send parse result to client
coronium.output( answer )

Looping Data

Cloud Lua (lua/scores.lua)

local scores = {
 { username = "Charles", score = 123000 },
 { username = "Jen", score = 145000 }

local vars = { scores = scores }

local answer = coronium.template.parse( 'scores', vars )

Template file (tpl/scores.tpl)

  <% for i, item in ipairs(scores) do %>
    <tr><td><%= item.username -%></td><td><%= item.score -%></td></tr>
  <% end %>

Video Tutorial

Video Tutorial on YouTube